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*Hello. I’m
Angela McEwan.*

UX/UI Designer.” style=”style2″ extra_class=”hero-text”]

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*Doh Ray Me-Me-Me*

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I’m a driven, empathetic and results-orientated designer based in Glasgow.  I gain satisfaction from producing user-centred, beautifully designed websites that perform well.

After graduating with a 2:1 in Computer Arts, I initially started my career in the Games Industry as a Video & Motion Editor, where I made it onto the Games Industry 30 Under 30 list, as named in Develop Magazine.

Since then, I made the transition into Web Development & Design due to wanting more control of my location, and increased job opportunity.

I enjoy the constant evaluation and feedback of online.  Nothing is ever done and dusted.  There’s always room for improvement with the constant evolution of digital communication.  I love analyzing user behaviour and responding to that to satisying user needs.

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*Get in Touch*

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*Have any questions? Feel free
to say hello – hello@angelamcewan.co.uk *

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